Tuesday, June 12, 2012

2002: Incubis

Date of Creation: 2002(?)

Synopsis:The strikingly Lovecraftian tale of a man trapped in his own dream, unable to awake, haunted by the inevitability of reality.

A Brief History: I have completely blocked the memory of participating in this film from my mind. I had no recollection at all of shooting it, so when I popped it in and noticed that I was...well, IN it, my brain kind of exploded. I haven't been the same since.

As far as I can tell, this was James Green's film 1 final, it features Joe Klueh and myself, and it's pretty dark, just like James Green, even though I believe he was top dude at the time, so I don't get it.

Critical Analysis: Common sense would dictate that individuals don't accept rides from strangers riding around in AMC Gremlins, but aside from that I have no complaints. Pretty heady and intense for a Film 1 project. I'm impressed.

Additional Notes: I just realized that if you type "gartner archives" into google, the vimeo page for this is the second result, which undoubtedly results in individuals looking for archival market research accidentally clicking on that page, which is hilarious to me.

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