Wednesday, May 23, 2012

1998: Clam Juice

Date of Creation : 1998

Synopsis: In attempt to corner the clam juice market, Willie's Clam Juice launches a campaign to target uncool teens.

A Brief History: This was probably the first video we did that was actually FOR a video production class. I had been dicking around with Ulead Videostudio Pro on my home computer, which allowed you to do some rotoscoping-type work. Unfortunately I had no idea about sizes and formats (I don't even know if there were really any standards back then, there was no firewire capture; I had to use an analog converter) and I had to edit it back deck to deck on some crappy, non-genlocked VCRs, so there's a ton of hilarious video artifacts.

Yes, clam juice is a real product and no, Matt didn't actually drink any, though I imagine it's hard to get that smell out of the container no matter how often you wash it.

The clam is actually a puppet on a black background with fishing line to move his top jaw. That abomination of a logo was actually a preset in Ulead.

My favorite part is probably the tripod in the last shot. There were three shots in the entire thing, really? We couldn't pay attention to something like that?

Critical Analysis: OH GOD THE PACING.