Friday, June 15, 2012

2002: Webbies Entertainment Segments - Prologue

Date of Creation: 2002

Synopsis: In the opening to the first Webbies Entertainment segments I worked on in college, a young indiana jones doppelgänger steals the Webbie. The Webbie's been STOLEN!

A Brief History: First of all, for those of you that were hoping to see the rest of this year's webbies, sorry. It's pretty awful anyway and I can't afford the bandwidth. Suffice to say it's a combination of ripping off SNL skits and ripping off Triumph the insult comic. If there's really just a ton of interest, I'll put it up, but there's going to have to be a push.

The opening sequence is pretty endearing though, since it's pretty much a shot for shot remake of the scene in Indiana Jones, somehow shot in Webster's tiny TV studio. We were moving flats back and forth all over the place to try and create an environment that's somehow larger than the studio space.

As bad as the rest of the Webbies was, there was a great callback in the middle of it, when Indiana runs through the game show studio, in which contestants are playing Jeopardy. One of the contestants, Sean Connery, notices Indiana run off and yells, "Junior!" You can probably guess the rest of the exchange.

The one shining star about this Webbies was that it was the first year beginning of a 6 year (maybe even 7?) tradition of one-upsmanship that led to a dynasty of excellence, culminating in the destruction of the entire awards ceremony as a whole. If that's not something to be proud of I don't know what is.