Thursday, May 24, 2012

1999: KRAZ News

Date of Creation: 1999

Synopsis: A group of mental patients produce a news broadcast for their sanitarium.

A Brief History: Another video project for high school video class, we were ordered to make an entire news broadcast with news, sports, weather, music, everything. Having little grasp of what it takes to make these kind of things, we tried anyway. As you can see, it was a marked failure.

Critical Analysis: When I started this blog and said "will post everything, no matter how bad", this is what was in my mind when I wrote that. It's awful. Although Matt Romano as Milton Grape was perhaps a saving grace. I suppose it does kind of have a monty pythonesque feel to it. And as embarrassing as it is for me to watch myself in, it's probably more embarrassing for Ryan in his star trek costume. Sorry Ryan!


  1. I love how not only was there no real reason to memorize lines, but pretty much everyone is happy to make it blatantly obvious they're reading from scripts. And Zull in the star trek get up pretty much makes the video.

  2. Seriously. I hope Zull got an A, because he was kind of the only one who sold it.
